Crafts + Hobby Art

The Colonies, where a hobby was to be useful

Some art forms are very utilitarian and in the Communal Era, the hobbies of woodworking and knitting were very important.  In a time with no computers, television, or radios these hobbies produced useful items such as mittens, scarves, hats, clocks, and furniture.

All children, girls, and boys, were taught to knit as part of their school curriculum. Women often would knit in the evenings, after supper and church.

It seems that every home in the Colonies has an old workbench in the basement.  It’s here that the gentlemen would often build extra items and gifts for friends and family members.  Many of these items were much more elaborate than what was standard issue for our members.

The crafts and hobbies continue today, past down from generation to generation.   Some of our shops carry these types of items.  Be sure to ask the shopkeepers to point them out.

Listings for Crafts + Hobby Art

    • HD-barn.web

    Heritage Designs Quilting and Needlework

    • 1.Colony Carvers Welcome 768x576

    Colony Carvers

    • IMG 0422klickerbahn 768x574

    Amana Arts Guild

    • Main 1 copy 2 768x768

    Gallery on Main

    • troy-thomas-artist

    Troy Thomas Art Gallery

    • Storefront Sp 24 copy 768x768
    • number1e

    Catiri’s Art Oasis

    • buildingfront

    Creative Colony

    • wood pieces 4 website 1 768x576

    Schanz Furniture and Refinishing

    • AHS-exterior-2

    Amana Heritage Society

    • EVERY CHRISTMAS STORY EVER TOLD (and then some!)

    TKM Theatrical Productions

    • Fern-Hill-Outside

    Fern Hill Gifts and Quilts

    • High Store Front Summer Straight Website Copy 768x576

    High Amana General Store | 1308 G Street

    • Furniture2-1

    Amana Furniture and Clock Shop

    • iowa-baseball-museum-trophies

    Iowa Baseball Museum of Norway

    • Untitleddesign29 768x433

    Bumble Books

    • Gallery 1

    AJs Copper Garden

    • artcraftsmall

    Michele Maring Miller Art Gallery

learn from the locals
