Vintner’s Dinner
March 22 @ 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Experience our popular 5 course Vintner’s Dinners. Each dinner has a theme that the menu reflects. The evening begins at White Cross Cellars with appetizers and an open tasting and then proceeds to the Ox Yoke Inn for the final 4 courses each paired with a White Cross Cellars wine.
Themes range from “Old Man River” featuring traditional items found along the Mississippi River from Minneapolis to New Orleans or “Cruising the Mediterranean” with each course coming from a different port of call in the Mediterranean. Whatever the theme might be the Vintner explains his selection and also the wine that is paired with it.
It makes for a fun evening but how could it miss? Great food, wine and new friendship formed over the fun. Reservations/tickets are required and seating is limited. Please check the websites for White Cross Cellars or the Ox Yoke Inn for more details including the menu.